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Blood Bank, Compliance & Safety, General Information, Hemostasis/Coagulation, Referral/Sendouts, Test Utilization

Coagulation Blue Top Tube Shortage

Update 9/1/2021:

September 1, 2021

There continues to be a global shortage of sodium citrate (“blue top”) blood collection tubes used for coagulation testing as a result of unprecedented demand, in part due to COVID-19 surges, vaccine and treatment development. This was anticipated to last through August 2021, but now, due to continued unprecedented demands, there is no end date in sight. Please take this into consideration when ordering coagulation testing (i.e. Protime, aPTT, Fibrinogen, D-dimer, Lupus Screens, Factor Assays, Mixing Studies, von Willebrand testing, etc.). Continue Reading

Chemistry, Compliance & Safety, General Information, Hematology, Hemostasis/Coagulation, Microbiology, Referral/Sendouts

CSF Priorities on QNS Specimens

When a Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimen arrives into the laboratory and is deemed Quantity Not Sufficient (QNS) for ordered testing, the ordering provider is contacted to identify testing priorities. Occasionally, the laboratory is unable to secure these priorities.

If the lab is unable to secure priorities from the ordering provider within an hour of collection, the following will occur:

1. We will move forward with the Cell count with differential, Culture, and Protein/Glucose

2. The rest of the ordered testing will hold until we can clarify the priorities

Laboratory is partnering with Epic Beaker to discover if a prioritization of orders, upon CSF order entry, is possible.

If you have questions or concerns, please use the “Contact Us” link above.

Hemostasis/Coagulation, Referral/Sendouts

Supply Change Notification: 4.5 mL Blue Citrate Blood Tubes

Effective April 26th, 2021, Spectrum Health Laboratories will discontinue 4.5 mL blue citrate blood tubes. These are a vendor discontinued item. The replacement item will be the 2.7 mL blue citrate blood tubes.

Due to this change, there may be a difference in the number of tubes required to collect for the lab tests below. Please refer to the lab catalog for specimen collection requirements. Continue Reading

Advanced Technology Laboratory, Cytogenetics, General Information, Referral/Sendouts

Test Update: Chromosome Analysis Breakage Study

Effective immediately, due to low test utilization and the high cost of maintaining proficiency, the Chromosome Analysis Breakage Study will no longer be offered by the Spectrum Health Cytogenetics Department.

If need arises for this test, please place an order for a Reference Miscellaneous (EPIC# LAB848) and enter “Test 140 DEB Breakage Study to Integrated Genetics” in the comments.  The testing will be sent out through Spectrum Health Referrals Department to Integrated Genetics. Continue Reading

General Information, Referral/Sendouts, Test Spotlight

Eastern Equine Encephalitis Testing Options

Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) testing is available to be ordered individually on serum or CSF. A panel for multiple Arboviruses is also available on both serum and CSF. Both tests are sent to Mayo Clinical Laboratories.  Please order “Reference Lab Send Out for Miscellaneous Tests” for each test ordered and indicate test name in the required order field. Continue Reading

Chemistry, Compliance & Safety, Education & Training, General Information, Referral/Sendouts

Preservative For 24 Hour Urine Collections

In both the inpatient and outpatient settings, the laboratory has supplied 24 hour urine containers with preservative such as acetic acid, sodium hydroxide, and boric acid.  Upon review of specimen stability requirements, it has been determined that a preservative is not needed prior to collection of most 24 hour urine tests as long as the 24 hour container is kept refrigerated or on ice during the collection period. Continue Reading