Monoclonal gammopathies are characterized by the secretion of a monoclonal protein or M-protein. A wide variety of conditions can produce an M-protein, and the initial screening and monitoring of these patients require an array of tests. Herein we described best practices for protein electrophoresis ordering at Corewell Health.
General Information
The following information was updated in the Lab Catalog.
The test Pathologist Review Peripheral Smear [LAB7550] will become a lab only orderable in the near future. Effective, Monday, May 1, 2023, all provider ordered pathology smear reviews on outpatients will be cancelled by the hematopathologist. If a pathologist interpretation of the blood smear is still desired, please order a Pathology Consult [LAB1230850], ask for a “general pathology consult” and indicate your question for the pathologist who will be interpreting the blood.
For Corewell Health West Epic Providers (Epic Hyperspace, Epic Community Connect and Epic Care Link) a tip sheet is available for ordering in Epic. If you cannot access the tip sheet or have further questions, please use the contact us link above.
Pathology Consult [LAB1230850]
Pathologist Review Peripheral Smear (lab only orderable) [LAB7550]
This winter, West Michigan influenza infections peaked in December 2022 and significantly declined throughout February and March 2023. Now with a low prevalence of circulating influenza, using the most sensitive diagnostic test is recommended in order to obtain accurate and actionable results. Influenza antigen testing (e.g. Sofia instrument) is no longer appropriate at this time and Influenza PCR testing should be ordered when clinically indicated.
Peripheral Smear Interpretation for CBCs performed outside of Corewell Health Laboratories
Please note that there will be a change in the format of pathologist review of outside peripheral blood smear slides that are not from CBCs performed at Corewell Health (formerly Spectrum Health) laboratory facilities. The peripheral smear interpretation will now be found in the anatomic pathology portion of the medical record under an outside consult heading (SO prefix) instead of in the laboratory section near the CBC indices.
This change may result in a different format for your results to be viewed. It may change the type and amount of bill your patients may receive.
If you have any questions, please use the contact us link above or email Michigan Pathology Specialists, P.C.
Microalbumin/Creatinine, Random Urine Result Comment Update
Effective January 4, 2023, the process for reporting the Microalbumin/Creatinine ratio was changed for situations where one of the results, microalbumin and/or creatinine, is below or above the assay’s analytical measuring range (AMR).
The following information was updated in the Lab Catalog.
Albumin Reagent Conversion
Corewell Health Laboratories (formerly Spectrum Health) has utilized the Bromcresol Purple (BCP) method for the measurement of albumin concentration in serum, plasma, and serous body fluids for well over 20 years. The test principle consists of a reaction where the BCP binds selectively with albumin, causing a color change that is measured photometrically. A vast majority of labs across the country, including reference labs such as Mayo Medical Laboratories, utilize an alternative method for albumin measurement that consists of Bromcresol Green (BCG) instead of BCP. To align with the majority of institutions this size, and to be included in a larger peer group for proficiency testing purposes, Corewell Health Laboratories – West, has been transitioning to BCG for the measurement of albumin over the last few weeks.