In an effort to streamline laboratory processes and provide expedited results, the test Herpes Simplex 1 / 2 IGG IGM was replaced with Herpes Simplex Panel on July 17, 2019. The new panel will still offer both Herpes IgM and Herpes IgG. The conversion to this panel will allow the lab to report Herpes IgG results faster.
General Information
The Spectrum Health Regional Laboratory Hematology Department has updated rejection criteria for the orderables, Cell Count w/ Differential, Body Fluid and Cell Count, Body Fluid. Spectrum Health Hematology will no longer perform cell counts on specimens which are not from a sterile body cavity (e.g. wound drainage, abscess, pus, etc.). Unacceptable specimens submitted to the Hematology Department for cell counts will not be performed and the test will be credited.
Test Enhancement Microarray (aCGH) Analysis
Effective May 20, 2019, Spectrum Health Regional Laboratory Cytogenetics Department is pleased to announce the launch of a new microarray platform AffymetrixTM Cytoscan® HD. The Affymetrix Cytoscan HD is designed for the accurate and comprehensive analysis of chromosomal variants in the human genome.
Spectrum Health Laboratory has updated its policy regarding expected date. For those providers that send an expected date of draw with your electronic order to our laboratory, there was a change on April 24, 2019 for Epic Providers and there will be a change on May 13, 2019 for EMR interface offices. From these dates forward, if you send us an expected date of draw, our phlebotomists will draw up to 14 days before your expected date and anytime thereafter until the order expires. If we do not receive an expected date of draw, we will treat the order as ready to collect from the day it arrives till one year out, when it expires. All Laboratory orders, including standing or future orders, are valid up to 400 days unless otherwise specified.
Preservative For 24 Hour Urine Collections
In both the inpatient and outpatient settings, the laboratory has supplied 24 hour urine containers with preservative such as acetic acid, sodium hydroxide, and boric acid. Upon review of specimen stability requirements, it has been determined that a preservative is not needed prior to collection of most 24 hour urine tests as long as the 24 hour container is kept refrigerated or on ice during the collection period.
Effective Monday, March 25, 2019, Syphilis Antibody Screen IgG [LAB3076] will change to Syphilis Total Antibody Screen [LAB1230501]. This test is also included in the Prenatal Screen (OB Panel) [LAB1230094].
Spectrum Health has been informed by Roche Diagnostics that the proprietary reagents used to calibrate our instruments and determine control values for ferritin blood level have been updated to reflect deviation of results leading to low result bias. This may have led to patient results being up to 20% lower than actual ferritin level.