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weather closure

Compliance & Safety, General Information, Referral/Sendouts

Weather Impact on Send Out Testing

We want to inform you about an important update regarding T-Spot test collections and deliveries. Due to severe weather conditions expected to affect parts of the United States, we have been advised by our reference laboratory to suspend the collection and sending of this test on Monday, February 17 after 3 p.m. through Tuesday, February 18. Testing collection will begin again on Wednesday, February 19th, unless the request is extended.

This precaution is necessary to ensure the safety and integrity of the specimens, as well as to avoid any potential delays or issues that could arise from the adverse weather. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time.


Weather Impact on Send Out Testing

We want to inform you about an important update regarding T-Spot, ImmuKnow, and CMV T-Cell Immunity Panel, test collections and deliveries. Due to severe weather conditions expected to affect parts of the United States later this week, we have been advised by our reference laboratory to suspend the collection and sending of these three tests on Thursday, January 9, and Friday, January 10. Testing collection will begin again on Monday, January 13th.

This precaution is necessary to ensure the safety and integrity of the specimens, as well as to avoid any potential delays or issues that could arise from the adverse weather. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time.

Compliance & Safety, Referral/Sendouts, Test Utilization

Reminder: Send Out Referral Testing Notice

As a reminder, referral testing, tests that are sent to another laboratory to perform, is dependent on the weather. Inclement weather can affect both the turnaround time of testing, and the testing capabilities of the organization. Our referral testing is dependent on outside transportation facilities (such as FedEx and UPS). When those organizations face challenges in weather, our testing capabilities must remain flexible. 

If there is inclement weather in and around Memphis, TN (the main FedEx hub), there may be delays and cancellations of testing. We will try our best to communicate these changes as soon as possible via our blog:

For any questions or concerns please “Contact Us” via the link above.