The following information was updated in the Lab Catalog.
All changes are for Corewell Health West Laboratories. For East and South locations, please visit:
The following information was updated in the Lab Catalog.
All changes are for Corewell Health West Laboratories. For East and South locations, please visit:
The following information was updated in the Lab Catalog.
All changes are for Corewell Health West Laboratories.
For East and South locations, please visit:
The following information was updated in the Lab Catalog.
All changes are for Corewell Health Laboratories West.
The following information was updated in the Lab Catalog.
All changes are for Corewell Health Laboratories West.
The following information was updated in the Lab Catalog.
All changes are for Corewell Health Laboratories West.
The following information was updated in the Lab Catalog.
The following information was updated in the Lab Catalog.
All changes are for Corewell Health Laboratories West.
On 10/31/23, a change was made to lab specimen labels, which included a patient’s preferred name on the label, if it is documented in Epic. This highlighted a change in the names of label types seen by staff when reprinting specimen labels in Epic. Due to a mix of Intermec and Zebra printers across the entire Corewell Health system, defaults needed to be removed from Epic build to account for these differences. Users will now be required to manually choose the correct label type when reprinting labels. The Collection Activity behavior should remain the same.
The following information was updated in the Lab Catalog.
The following information was updated in the Lab Catalog.
Please note that our lab catalog URL has been updated to reflect our new name: