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Education & Training

Compliance & Safety, Education & Training, General Information

Tips for Home Collection

From collection to transport, Spectrum Health Laboratories must have quality specimens to produce accurate results you can trust. A quality specimen is one that has been collected and transported, keeping specimen integrity and patient identification intact. It is important to remind patients to carefully follow all collection and transportation instructions to ensure the sample usable and not tainted.

Please help remind patients:

♦ Submit all specimens as soon as collection is completed. Many tests are time sensitive.

♦ After collection, make sure lid is secured and fastened evenly, as leaky specimens will be rejected.

♦ Keep the container upright at all times.

♦ If a second container is needed, the patient should obtain a second container from the laboratory or draw site. Do not use home containers (i.e. butter container) or bags, as these may contaminate the specimen.

♦ Specimen is labeled clearly with

◊ Patient’s full legal name

◊ Date of birth

◊ Date and time of collection

Warning: Some kits contain preservatives. Please let patients know to not drink, ingest or inhale fumes. If disposal is needed please contact the laboratory.  In case of skin or eye contact, irritation, or swallowing call poison control as soon as possible: 800.222.1222.

For more information, please review “Laboratory Specimen Home Collection Document” or the Lab Catalog for more information.

Education & Training, General Information

Reminder: Fasting Tests

Several tests performed by Spectrum Health Laboratories and our Reference Laboratories (Mayo Clinic Lab) require or recommend fasting.

Please check the Lab Catalog prior to sending your patient to a draw site or sending a patient’s specimens to the lab. Help remind patients to arrive fasting if fasting tests are required.

Spectrum Health Laboratories recommends:

No caloric or caffeine intake for 8-12 hours prior to testing. Do not eat or drink anything except normal amounts of plain water. This also includes no smoking, chewing gum, candy, cough drops, etc. Some tests also require no alcoholic beverages for 24-48 hours prior to testing.

Take normal dosages of medications, unless the provider has instructed otherwise.

Results may be inaccurate if fasting was not done prior to the test and may lead to improper diagnosis or treatment. Testing will need to be repeated if patient was not fasting properly before testing.

List of fasting tests

Chemistry, Education & Training, Main lab

Test Update: AST and ALT

Go Live Date delayed to 3/3/2022

Go-Live Date: 3/2/2022

Due to new instrumentation at Spectrum Health Blodgett Hospital Laboratory (BIRL) and to standardize across the Spectrum Health system, we will be adopting new tests for AST and ALT. The difference between our current test and this new test is the addition of the co-factor pyridoxal phosphate (Vitamin B6). The new test is the recommended test of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and ultimately will provide our patient population more accurate AST and ALT results. We did not adopt the new test in the past because it came with logistical and stability issues that made its use in the lab difficult. The new instrumentation we obtained has solved some of these concerns.

Historically, if patients had a Vitamin B6 deficiency, their AST and ALT levels may have been falsely lower than the true values. This decrease was due to the lack of endogenous co-factor causing a slower reaction rate when we tested the patient sample. After we implement the new test across the system, you may notice an increase in your patient’s AST and ALT results. This increase may be evidence that your patient had some degree of Vitamin B6 deficiency. If you were trending results, we recommend you establish a new baseline with the new test versions. The lab has been changed slightly in EPIC to prevent trending between the two test versions, since the results may not be able to be correlated if your patient had a Vitamin B6 deficiency. Continue Reading

Compliance & Safety, Education & Training, General Information

Appropriate Labeling for Shared Specimen – COVID-19 & FLU AB PCR

To provide efficient and safe testing for patient specimens, please review the following information when sending COVID-19 PCR and Influenza A/B PCR testing in the same encounter to Spectrum Health Laboratories.

Two labels will be available for this testing. Labels must be fixed so that

• The test and patient information are shown
• The barcode may be easily scanned by Lab staff or instruments

When this is not done correctly, Laboratory staff removes the labels and re-fixes or re-prints it, which obstructs workflow, causes delays, and could result in patient information being peeled off. With patient safety and efficient testing being two of the Lab’s top priorities, it is vital that specimens arrive in such a way as to best accomplish both. Continue Reading