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Advanced Technology Laboratory

Advanced Technology Laboratory, Cytology, General Information

Reflex HPV Testing Update

Effective April 2, 2025, the Reflex HPV algorithm will more closely align with ASCCP recommendations. HPV testing will no longer be performed for a normal Pap result in patients aged 30 years and older when a provider orders HPV Reflex.

Specimens will qualify for HPV Reflex with a cytologic diagnosis of:

  • ASCUS (Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance) for patients aged 21 and older.
  • LSIL (Low Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion) for patients aged 25 and older.

HPV testing will continue to be performed for all Paps, regardless of results, for patients aged 30 years or older when a provider orders Co-Testing.

If a provider wishes to request HPV testing on a normal pap for patients under 30, they must either place an electronic order at the time of the initial pap order or request an add-on test for:

  • HPV High Risk Screen with HPV Genotype Reflex – Cervical Source (LAB1231770)
  • HPV High Risk Screen with HPV Genotype Reflex – Vaginal Source (LAB1230722)

Updated Pap and HPV Testing Algorithm

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Advanced Technology Laboratory

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Testing Update

Corewell Health South and Corewell Health West Laboratories 

Effective Date: February 3, 2025 

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genotypic testing will be updated to expand acceptable sources and collection methods. The following HPV test will be available, and the corresponding testing algorithm will be driven by the clinician specified specimen source and collection method/device.  

New Test: Self-Collect HPV High-Risk Screen with HPV Genotype Reflex (LAB1231853)  

  • Testing Restricted to HPV only –Co-testing Not Available: PAP or STI (CT, NG, TV)  
  • Detection of 14 HR HPV genotypes:  
    • HPV Genotype 16  
    • HPV Genotype 18
    • Other HR  HPV – includes 31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59,66,68  
  • Collection Information:  
    • Acceptable Source: Patient Self-collected vaginal  
    • Collection Device: Rovers® Evalyn® Brush  (ITM-1303902)
    • Collection Instructions: Patients must use the Evalyn Brush in a healthcare setting (i.e. physician office or clinic) to self-collect a vaginal specimen following the Evalyn Brush collection instructions. (Spanish instructions) 
    • A trained healthcare staff member must immediately suspend the Evalyn Brush into a vial of ThinPrep PreservCyt solution following transport instructions. The ThinPrep PreservCyt vial can then be transported to the lab at 2 to 30°C.  
    • This may not be collected at home or in an outpatient draw site. 

Corewell Health Southwest: Effective February 3, 2025, PAP and HPV results will once again be bundled for all orders placed from that date onward. 

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Advanced Technology Laboratory, General Information

Chromosome Analysis Update

Chromosome Analysis Prenatal and Chromosome Analysis Prenatal Limited orders will now include cryopreservation of prenatal specimens (amniotic fluid and chorionic villi), excluding those found to have straightforward abnormalities (i.e. whole chromosome copy gain).



  • Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (ACGH), Direct Prenatal with Limited Chromosome Analysis LAB1231125
  • Chromosome Analysis, Prenatal TEST LAB2111376
Advanced Technology Laboratory, Cytology, Education & Training, Referral/Sendouts

New Test: HPV High Risk Screen with HPV Genotype Reflex

Effective August 26, 2024,  Corewell Health Laboratories West will be updating their High-Risk HPV testing.  The new assay will be performed on the Abbott Alinity m at Corewell Health Reference Laboratory West, Grand Rapids.  Testing will now automatically include HPV Genotype results whenever HPV is detected.  There will no longer be a separate charge to the patient for HPV Genotype testing.

There will also be an expanded number of High-Risk HPV Genotypes reported:

  • HPV Genotype 16
  • HPV Genotype 18
  • HPV Genotype 45
  • HPV Genotype 31/33/52/58
  • HPV Genotype 35/39/51/56/59/66/68

The new assay is FDA approved for Primary screening in addition to co-testing.

Post hysterectomy vaginal specimens will still be a send out test (LAB1230722). Continue Reading

Advanced Technology Laboratory, Compliance & Safety, General Information

Genetic Testing Informed Consent

Submission of an order for any predictive genetic tests and pre-symptomatic genetic tests, as defined by MCL 333.17020, contained in Corewell Health laboratory catalog constitutes certification to Corewell Health Laboratories that the ordering physician understands that written, informed consent is required for these tests and that, by submitting an order for these genetic tests, ordering physician has obtained “Informed Consent” of subject patient as required by any applicable state or federal laws with respect to each test ordered. On occasion, we forward a specimen to an outside reference laboratory. Corewell Health laboratories may request that ordering physician provide such consent to Corewell Health upon a reasonable request.

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Advanced Technology Laboratory

New Tests: Trichomonas PCR, Mycoplasma genitalium PCR, and STI Panel (Alinity)

New Test Announcement

Corewell Health Advanced Technology Laboratory is pleased to announce the addition of Trichomonas, Mycoplasma Genitalium (Mgen), and STI Panel testing on the Alinity m platform.

As of 1/5/2023, Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) and Mycoplasma genitalium (MG) STI tests are available using the Alinity m collection kit and a panel which includes the above plus Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG).

All four tests may be run on one urogenital sample, saving cost and time, and reducing human error.

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Advanced Technology Laboratory, General Information, Molecular Diagnostics

Test Update: Chlamydia and Gonococcus Testing (Alinity m)

Effective October 31, 2022, the Advanced Technology Laboratory’s Molecular Diagnostics Department will accept oropharyngeal and rectal swab specimens as testing sources for Chlamydia and Gonococcus testing using the Alinity m multi-Collect Kit. This specimen type is FDA approved on the Alinity m platform.

NOTE: Specimens collected on patients under the age of 14 or collected for Child Protective Services, will still be sent out to a reference laboratory. Continue Reading