Compliance & Safety, Education & Training, General Information

Reminder: Thin Prep Collection

With the August changes to STI testing Corewell Health Reference Laboratory West has seen an influx of incorrect orders. As a reminder, not all STI testing can be performed off of a Thin Prep® specimen. The STI Panel includes four different tests: Gonorrhea PCR, Chlamydia PCR, Trichomonas PCR and Mycoplasma Geniltalium PCR (Mgen). Unlike the other testing, Mgen cannot be added on to the Thin Prep® container.


If an STI Panel is ordered and the only specimen that is collected is a Thin Prep®, laboratory staff will independently cancel the STI panel and reorder the three tests that are able to be completed off of the specimen that is submitted. If an Mgen test is still needed, please submit a separate urine or swabbed collection using the Alinity -M collection kit.

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