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Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery


Sinus Culture Order Considerations

The management of sinusitis is often aided by bacterial and fungal cultures from which Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Staphylococcus aureus, and occasionally aerobic Gram-negative bacilli are the most commonly recovered pathogenic organisms. The Corewell Health West Microbiology Lab has several orders available for culturing sinus specimens collected as fluid aspirates, tissue, or swabs. Though more challenging to collect, aspirates are preferred over swab cultures that often grow mixed normal upper respiratory flora for which it is difficult to interpret the clinical significance.

Available Sinus Culture Orders Default Specimen Type Comments
Body Fluid Culture [LAB2111016]

Respiratory Culture [LAB3095]

Tissue Culture [LAB2111173]

Aspirated fluid

Swabbed collection


For aerobic bacteria
Fungal Culture [LAB240] Aspirated fluid or tissue, preferred

Swabbed collection

For fungal organisms
Anaerobic Culture [LAB233] Aspirated fluid or tissue* For anaerobic bacteria

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Update: PT/INR Resulting Change

The Spectrum Health Laboratory Coagulation Department announces the following changes occurring on 6.29.21 because of new instrumentation:

• New coagulation instrumentation will go-live on 6.29.21.

• This new instrumentation will align the Spectrum Health Regional Laboratory (in GR) with current Regional/Blodgett reportable upper limit for Protime/INR results.

• The current Protime (PT) upper limit of 120 seconds will change to 90 seconds. Any result that is greater than 90 seconds, will be reported as >90 seconds.

• The current INR upper limit of 12.0 will change to 8.0. Any result that is greater than 8.0 will be reported as >8.0.

Any questions can be directed to the Spectrum Health Regional Laboratory Coagulation Department using the Contact Us link above.


PT/INR (Protime with INR): Epic Code #LAB320 | Interface code #10059 | CPT #85610