Effective March 17, 2021, COVID-19 Serology Testing will be updated from COVID-19 IgG Antibody to COVID-19 Total Antibody
Test Discontinuation
Test Update: Chromosome Analysis Breakage Study
Effective immediately, due to low test utilization and the high cost of maintaining proficiency, the Chromosome Analysis Breakage Study will no longer be offered by the Spectrum Health Cytogenetics Department.
If need arises for this test, please place an order for a Reference Miscellaneous (EPIC# LAB848) and enter “Test 140 DEB Breakage Study to Integrated Genetics” in the comments. The testing will be sent out through Spectrum Health Referrals Department to Integrated Genetics.
Protein Electrophoresis Testing Update
In December, serum and urine protein electrophoresis testing will be simplified and standardized. The only testing available will be:
Protein electrophoresis, serum, IFE if indicated
Protein electrophoresis, random urine, do IFE if indicated
Protein electrophoresis, 24 hour urine, do IFE if indicated
In addition, on December 5, 2019, a new panel will be added which reflects expert recommendations for first line testing for monoclonal gammopathy, including plasma cell myeloma and most cases of amyloidosis, called “Monoclonal Gammopathy Screen”
To better align with our Allergy Specialists and reduce confusion and costs to patients, we have simplified and standardized our Allergy Panel offerings. These new panels will be available to order beginning Thursday, October 24, 2019. Also effective on this date, several of our old panels will be discontinued.
- Drug Screen with Confirmation (23 Targets) [Epic: #LAB1230496; Interfaced: #1230496]
- Drug Screen with Confirmation (32 Targets) [Epic: #LAB1230497; Interfaced: #1230497]
Effective December 3rd, 2018, the test code for ANA Screen [LAB147] will be discontinued and replaced with ANA Screen Double Reflex [LAB1230491].