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Compliance & Safety

Anti-TPO Assay Falsely Elevated Recovery

A reagent bulletin from Roche has informed us that the recovery of the Anti-TPO assay has been falsely elevated for a reagent lot that was in use at Corewell Health Grand Rapids from September 2024 until March, 3, 2025. Based on the product evaluation, and in conjunction with a product and safety risk assessment, the remaining risk of false positive results with the Elecsys Anti-TPO assay is in the acceptable range.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please reach out with any concerns or questions.


Dr. Alvarez
Yasel Alvarez, Ph.D.
Clinical Chemistry and Immunology
Corewell Health Reference Laboratory, West Michigan

Test Information

Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody, Blood Level [LAB516]

Clinical Implications

The risk of false positive results with the Elecsys anti-TPO assay is generally acceptable with respect to the given discrepancy.


Roche Customer Bulletin TP-02316

Immunochemistry, Main lab

Update in Testing Platform – Immunochemistry

As of January 26, 2024, for the following tests, the testing platform has changed from EliA Fluorescence Enzyme Immunoassay (FEIA) from Thermofisher to Multiplex Flow Immunoassay from Biorad. Please review the lab catalog for any changes to collection information or reference ranges.

• Anti-dsDNA Antibody
• Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (CCP) Antibody
• Celiac Antibody Cascade
• Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody
• Gliadin Antibodies Continue Reading


Reference Range Update: ALT and AST

After consultation with our clinical partners, Spectrum Health West Michigan Laboratory will be adjusting the pediatric reference ranges for our new ALT and AST reagents in an effort to better serve our population.  Numerous academic studies were reviewed, and the values listed below were adopted on August 3, 2022: Continue Reading


Updates: Chemistry Reference Ranges

Effective August 2, 2022, reference ranges for the below tests will be updated to better align with the vendor’s recommendation and with Spectrum Health Lakeland Laboratory. Please click on the links below and scroll to the Reference Range field to see the updated ranges.

Lithium Level [LAB29]

PTH Intact [LAB108]

IgM Level [LAB72]

IgA Level [LAB73]

CA 125 Level [LAB155]

C4 Complement Level [LAB151]

C3 Complement Level [LAB152]

Albumin Level [LAB45]

Transferrin Level [LAB133]

Questions or inquiries may be directed to the “Contact Us” link above.

Chemistry, General Information

Test Update: Thyroglobulin Antibody

Effective immediately, Thyroglobulin Antibody will be performed at Spectrum Health Reference Laboratory (SHRL, Grand Rapids, MI) and will no longer be a sendout to Mayo Clinical Laboratories. Collection instructions and other information may have changed, please visit the lab catalog for more information.

Thyroglobulin Tumor Marker will continue to be a sendout. If a Thyroglobulin Antibody is ordered with a Thyroglobulin Tumor Marker, then the Thyroglobulin Antibody will automatically be canceled as Mayo Clinic Laboratories will perform the Thyroglobulin Antibody as well as the Tumor Marker.

For questions and inquiries, please use the “Contact Us” link above.



New test: Thyroglobulin Antibody [LAB1230840] 

Former test: Thyroglobulin Antibody, Serum [LAB1230457]

Mentioned Test: Thyroglobulin, Tumor Marker, Serum [LAB864]

General Information, Immunochemistry, Test Utilization

Protein Electrophoresis Orderable Changes

As of August 26, 2020, the following tests will be obsoleted or made as lab orderables only.  This was implemented to streamline protein electrophoresis orders and ensure that patients receive the recommended testing for the assessment of plasma cell proliferative diseases.

In addition to streamlining protein electrophoresis orders, order questions have been implemented to the available tests to access the reason for ordering to ensure that the proper reflex testing is applied.

For more information, see the lab test directory under the available tests for a protein electrophoresis orders tip sheet entitled “Orders- Protein Orderable ChangesContinue Reading