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Primary Care

Education & Training, General Information, Immunochemistry, Test Utilization

Webinar: Optimizing Care of the Respiratory Patient – The Role of Specific IgE Testing

It’s the season of sunshine and blooms which also means it can be a season of sneezing, itching, and a lot of trouble getting a good breath in for some.

⇒Are you prepared to meet the needs of your patients that may be suffering from some of these symptoms?
⇒Are you well versed in the difference between a sensitivity and a clinical allergy and how you can differentiate between the two?
⇒Do you know the resources we have at Corewell Health to assist in these determinations? Continue Reading


Result Reporting Change of Nucleated Cells in Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Counts

Cell Count w/ Differential if indicated, Cerebrospinal Fluid [LAB2111025] and Cell Count with Differential, Cerebrospinal Fluid (Pediatric Oncology) [LAB212] currently result nucleated cell counts as a White Blood Cell (WBC) count.

Effective Tuesday, August 16, 2022, the WBC component will be removed and instead reported as a Total Nucleated Cell (TNC) Count for CSF.

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Updates: Chemistry Reference Ranges

Effective August 2, 2022, reference ranges for the below tests will be updated to better align with the vendor’s recommendation and with Spectrum Health Lakeland Laboratory. Please click on the links below and scroll to the Reference Range field to see the updated ranges.

Lithium Level [LAB29]

PTH Intact [LAB108]

IgM Level [LAB72]

IgA Level [LAB73]

CA 125 Level [LAB155]

C4 Complement Level [LAB151]

C3 Complement Level [LAB152]

Albumin Level [LAB45]

Transferrin Level [LAB133]

Questions or inquiries may be directed to the “Contact Us” link above.


New Test: COVID-19 IgG Antibody – Serology test

Effective May 18, 2020, Spectrum Health Regional Laboratory is pleased to be offering in-house COVID-19 serology testing, with initial availability 1,000 tests per day.


What is Serology Testing?

•  Serology testing measures the body’s immune response to COVID-19 infection in the form of antibody production against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

•  There is a single COVID-19 serology order available in Epic, however, the Spectrum Health laboratory performs two versions of antibody testing to increase specificity and avoid reporting false positive results. An initial screen will be used to measure total antibody (IgA, IgM, and IgG), and positives will be confirmed by a second method that is specific to IgG.

•  Specificity is critical when the expected prevalence in a community is low. This serology testing is not expected to cross-react with other circulating coronaviruses that cause the common cold.

•  A positive IgG result indicates previous infection with COVID-19, but does not indicate immunity or protection against future infection.

•  This test should not be used to detect acute COVID-19 disease. Symptomatic patients suspected to have acute COVID-19 infection should be tested using a molecular assay.

•  Whether positive or negative for the presence of COVID-19 antibodies, serology testing results do not support easing of behaviors such as social distancing, wearing masks, or hand hygiene.

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