On June 27th, the name of the current order “Respiratory (non-sputum) Culture without Gram stain” will change to “Throat Culture Comprehensive.” All other specimen collection details and culture workup will remain the same. Given the fact that there are currently several similarly named tests, this change is being made to reduce confusion regarding test selection and to clarify acceptable specimen types.
Utility of specific IgE (sIgE) testing to foods and food allergen components
The diagnostic evaluation of allergic disease occurs in the context of a patient’s complete clinical presentation. Important factors include, age, clinical signs and symptoms, relevant allergen exposures, and the performance characteristics (sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values) of the allergy tests themselves. Allergy tests yield information about sensitization to allergens, which is not always equivalent to allergic hypersensitivity (i.e., sensitivity); thus, interpretation in the context of clinical history is essential for accurate diagnosis.
As of January 12, 2016, pathologist review of peripheral blood smear ordered without accompanying CBC with differential will reflex to adding on a CBC and/or differential in the laboratory. Blood specimens that do not have a slide prepared need to be less than 6 hours old for a pathologist review to be added on.
This is due to the fact that older blood does not smear well and morphology is compromised, especially red cell morphology. This allows for a complete documentation of the patient’s CBC and differential findings in the electronic medical record and standardizes our process among the regional hospitals.
Any questions concerning Peripheral Blood Smear reflexes should be directed to Dr. Jennifer Stumph, Director of Hematology.