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Obstetrics & Gynecology

Advanced Technology Laboratory

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Testing Update

Corewell Health South and Corewell Health West Laboratories 

Effective Date: February 3, 2025 

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genotypic testing will be updated to expand acceptable sources and collection methods. The following two HPV tests will be available, and the corresponding testing algorithm will be driven by the clinician specified specimen source and collection method/device.  

New Test: Self-Collect HPV High-Risk Screen with HPV Genotype Reflex (LAB1231853)  

  • Testing Restricted to HPV only –Co-testing Not Available: PAP or STI (CT, NG, TV)  
  • Detection of 14 HR HPV genotypes:  
    • HPV Genotype 16  
    • HPV Genotype 18
    • Other HR  HPV – includes 31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59,66,68  
  • Collection Information:  
    • Acceptable Source: Patient Self-collected vaginal  
    • Collection Device: Rovers® Evalyn® Brush  (ITM-1303902)
    • Collection Instructions: Patients must use the Evalyn Brush in a healthcare setting (i.e. physician office or clinic) to self-collect a vaginal specimen following the Evalyn Brush collection instructions. (Spanish instructions) 
    • A trained healthcare staff member must immediately suspend the Evalyn Brush into a vial of ThinPrep PreservCyt solution following transport instructions. The ThinPrep PreservCyt vial can then be transported to the lab at 2 to 30°C.  
    • This may not be collected at home or in an outpatient draw site. 

Corewell Health Southwest: Effective February 3, 2025, PAP and HPV results will once again be bundled for all orders placed from that date onward. 

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General Information, Hemostasis/Coagulation

Reference Range Updates Coagulation Laboratory

Effective December 2, 2024 at 08:00 AM, Corewell Health West Laboratory Coagulation Department will be updating the reference range for several assays. The following will be impacted by these changes:

APTT testing for the BCS XP analyzers will be updating to 22.0 – 27.0 seconds.

This will include the following tests:

Effective December 2, 2024 at 08:00 AM, the Corewell Health West and South Coagulation Departments will be updating the reference range of the Fibrinogen Level (LAB 314) to 190-450 mg/ dL.

Questions may be directed to the Coagulation Laboratory using the Contact Us link above.

Cytology, General Information

Update to PAP-HPV Reflexing Algorithm

The algorithm that reflexes HPV testing off the PAP Test (LAB1230097) when the “HPV Reflex” option is selected during PAP ordering will no longer include pregnancy status as a criterion for reflexing on LSIL patients. Prior to this update, if HPV Reflex was selected, a PAP Diagnosis of LSIL on patients 25 and older would only reflex HPV testing if the patient was non-pregnant. Starting 11/6/2024, if HPV Reflex was selected, a PAP Diagnosis of LSIL on patients 25 and older will reflex HPV testing regardless of pregnancy status. This update aligns with current ASCCP Risk-Based Management Consensus guidelines.

Compliance & Safety, Education & Training, General Information

IMPORTANT: Lipid Testing Changes

Effective Monday, September 16, 2024 all Corewell Health ambulatory offices will see an increase in Frequency Advance Beneficiary Notices (ABN) when ordering Lipids. This ensures compliance with Medicare requirements. ABNs serve as an indication to ordering physicians and APPs that the order has a stipulation for coverage and that Medicare may not reimburse for services; the patient will need to acknowledge potential financial responsibility. Having this completed ABN on file allows Corewell Health to provide and bill for services.

Specific to lipid frequency ABNs:

• Screening: Medicare covers testing once every 5 years. Per CMS, lipid testing in asymptomatic individuals is considered screening regardless of the presence of other risk factors such as family history, tobacco use, etc.
• Monitoring: Medicare covers testing once annually for monitoring the lifestyle and/or pharmaceutical treatment of lipid disorders. If more frequent testing is medically necessary after initiation of therapy, Medicare will cover up to six total cholesterol or LDL labs in the first year of therapy.

Lab will collect any ABNs needed if not collected prior to patient collection at our Patient Service Centers. If collection occurs in the office, be sure to follow the process: Ambulatory Clinical – Completing the Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) from the Epic Education Team SharePoint page. Any Medicare patient specimen submitted for lipid panel testing without an ABN will NOT be tested by the laboratory.

For more information on the CMS requirements for lipid testing, please review the NCD – Lipid Testing (190.23) (

Advanced Technology Laboratory, Cytology, Education & Training, Referral/Sendouts

New Test: HPV High Risk Screen with HPV Genotype Reflex

Effective August 26, 2024,  Corewell Health Laboratories West will be updating their High-Risk HPV testing.  The new assay will be performed on the Abbott Alinity m at Corewell Health Reference Laboratory West, Grand Rapids.  Testing will now automatically include HPV Genotype results whenever HPV is detected.  There will no longer be a separate charge to the patient for HPV Genotype testing.

There will also be an expanded number of High-Risk HPV Genotypes reported:

  • HPV Genotype 16
  • HPV Genotype 18
  • HPV Genotype 45
  • HPV Genotype 31/33/52/58
  • HPV Genotype 35/39/51/56/59/66/68

The new assay is FDA approved for Primary screening in addition to co-testing.

Post hysterectomy vaginal specimens will still be a send out test (LAB1230722). Continue Reading

General Information

Outpatient Lab Draw Site Updates

Effective Monday, October 2, 2023, the Outpatient Lab Draw Sites in Kent, Ottawa, and Muskegon counties (excluding the Zeeland Hospital and Gerber Hospital sites) will begin a new process for walk-in patients.

Registration staff will begin informing the patient of their wait times based on the scheduling template available for that site for that day. This will allow the patient to make an informed decision on whether to wait, come back at a later time, or schedule an appointment time that works best for them. Patients choosing to schedule, may schedule for any available sites, times and dates in MyChart, or they may schedule with the registrar for the next 24-48 hours.  (Note: lab staff does not have the ability to schedule patients.)

Additionally, at this time, Blodgett Outpatient Lab is temporarily closed until further notice. Sites closest to Blodgett are the Integrated Care Campus at 426 Michigan St NE, 4100 Lake Drive, and Integrated Care Campus at 2750 East Beltline, or patients may visit Find a Doctor | Corewell Health to find a lab location nearest to them.


Test Utilization

Test Update: Chlamydia Culture Discontinued

Effective September 13, 2023, Corewell Health Laboratory will discontinue the Chlamydia Culture orderable. For patients 14 years of age and older, please order Chlamydia PCR.

• This specimen can be either a swab (genital, rectal, or throat) or a urine sample.
• The collection container is the STD-Multi-Collection Kit.
• For more information please visit: Chlamydia PCR

For patients that are under 14 years of age, a “Reference Miscellaneous Test” [LAB 848], must be ordered.

• This specimen can be either a swab (genital, rectal, or throat) or a urine sample.
• The collection container is the Aptima
• For more information please visit: APTIMA Chlamydia, NAAT, ThinPrep, Swab, Urine

As a reminder, PCR testing is also preferred for gonorrhea, when the specimen types are compatible. Continue Reading

General Information, Hematology

Update: Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Starting November 29th, 2022, Corewell Health West, Hematology Laboratories will begin reporting absolute counts for white blood cell (WBC) manual differentials, in addition to relative (percentage) counts. The WBC differential count determines the number of each type of white blood cell present in the blood. It can be expressed as a percentage or as an absolute value. Of these, the absolute value is much more important than the relative value, given that clinically relevant WBC elevations and declines are defined by their absolute numbers, not by their relative proportions, and there is potential for error if this conversion is performed outside the laboratory. Continue Reading