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Compliance & Safety, General Information, Test Utilization

Lipid & Vitamin D policy for Medicare patients

Traditional Medicare insured patients who have a Lipid Panel or Vitamin D 25 ordered more than once per 12 months are not covered due to medical necessity.*

If testing is indicated, you will need to provide an appropriately executed Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) for Corewell Health Southeast Laboratories and Advance Beneficiary Notice for Corewell Health Southwest and West Laboratories signed by the patient indicating they would like testing and understand they may be financially responsible for payment (ABN: Option 1). ABN must be submitted with specimen.

For testing ordered inside this frequency range without an ABN, Corewell Health will implement an automatic cancellation. Continue Reading

Compliance & Safety, Education & Training, General Information

IMPORTANT: Lipid Testing Changes

Effective Monday, September 16, 2024 all Corewell Health ambulatory offices will see an increase in Frequency Advance Beneficiary Notices (ABN) when ordering Lipids. This ensures compliance with Medicare requirements. ABNs serve as an indication to ordering physicians and APPs that the order has a stipulation for coverage and that Medicare may not reimburse for services; the patient will need to acknowledge potential financial responsibility. Having this completed ABN on file allows Corewell Health to provide and bill for services.

Specific to lipid frequency ABNs:

• Screening: Medicare covers testing once every 5 years. Per CMS, lipid testing in asymptomatic individuals is considered screening regardless of the presence of other risk factors such as family history, tobacco use, etc.
• Monitoring: Medicare covers testing once annually for monitoring the lifestyle and/or pharmaceutical treatment of lipid disorders. If more frequent testing is medically necessary after initiation of therapy, Medicare will cover up to six total cholesterol or LDL labs in the first year of therapy.

Lab will collect any ABNs needed if not collected prior to patient collection at our Patient Service Centers. If collection occurs in the office, be sure to follow the process: Ambulatory Clinical – Completing the Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) from the Epic Education Team SharePoint page. Any Medicare patient specimen submitted for lipid panel testing without an ABN will NOT be tested by the laboratory.

For more information on the CMS requirements for lipid testing, please review the NCD – Lipid Testing (190.23) (