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Internal Medicine

Compliance & Safety, Education & Training, General Information

IMPORTANT: Lipid Testing Changes

Effective Monday, September 16, 2024 all Corewell Health ambulatory offices will see an increase in Frequency Advance Beneficiary Notices (ABN) when ordering Lipids. This ensures compliance with Medicare requirements. ABNs serve as an indication to ordering physicians and APPs that the order has a stipulation for coverage and that Medicare may not reimburse for services; the patient will need to acknowledge potential financial responsibility. Having this completed ABN on file allows Corewell Health to provide and bill for services.

Specific to lipid frequency ABNs:

• Screening: Medicare covers testing once every 5 years. Per CMS, lipid testing in asymptomatic individuals is considered screening regardless of the presence of other risk factors such as family history, tobacco use, etc.
• Monitoring: Medicare covers testing once annually for monitoring the lifestyle and/or pharmaceutical treatment of lipid disorders. If more frequent testing is medically necessary after initiation of therapy, Medicare will cover up to six total cholesterol or LDL labs in the first year of therapy.

Lab will collect any ABNs needed if not collected prior to patient collection at our Patient Service Centers. If collection occurs in the office, be sure to follow the process: Ambulatory Clinical – Completing the Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) from the Epic Education Team SharePoint page. Any Medicare patient specimen submitted for lipid panel testing without an ABN will NOT be tested by the laboratory.

For more information on the CMS requirements for lipid testing, please review the NCD – Lipid Testing (190.23) (

Advanced Technology Laboratory, Cytology, Education & Training, Referral/Sendouts

New Test: HPV High Risk Screen with HPV Genotype Reflex

Effective August 26, 2024,  Corewell Health Laboratories West will be updating their High-Risk HPV testing.  The new assay will be performed on the Abbott Alinity m at Corewell Health Reference Laboratory West, Grand Rapids.  Testing will now automatically include HPV Genotype results whenever HPV is detected.  There will no longer be a separate charge to the patient for HPV Genotype testing.

There will also be an expanded number of High-Risk HPV Genotypes reported:

  • HPV Genotype 16
  • HPV Genotype 18
  • HPV Genotype 45
  • HPV Genotype 31/33/52/58
  • HPV Genotype 35/39/51/56/59/66/68

The new assay is FDA approved for Primary screening in addition to co-testing.

Post hysterectomy vaginal specimens will still be a send out test (LAB1230722). Continue Reading

Test Utilization

Influenza Testing Update: April 2024

This winter, West Michigan influenza infections peaked in February 2024 and significantly declined throughout March and April 2024. Now with a low prevalence of circulating influenza, using the most sensitive diagnostic test is recommended in order to obtain accurate and actionable results. Influenza antigen testing (e.g. Sofia instrument) is no longer appropriate at this time and Influenza PCR testing should be ordered when clinically indicated.


Low Influenza
High Influenza
Recommended Order Influenza PCR (LAB3255) Influenza antigen testing (e.g. Sofia instrument)
Influenza PCR (LAB3255)

More detailed information can be found as published by the CDC:

Algorithm to assist in the interpretation of influenza testing results and clinical decision-making during periods when influenza viruses are NOT circulating in the community, and in previous lab newsletters: Influenza Diagnosis and Test Utilization

Chemistry, Referral/Sendouts

Hepatitis A IgG Antibody Discontinued

Effective Thursday, April 18, 2024, Corewell Health Laboratory will discontinue the send out test Hepatitis A IgG Antibody, Serum (Mayo Test ID: HAIGG). This test has been made obsolete by Mayo Clinic Laboratories. We recommend to our healthcare providers the following in-house testing:

1.Hepatitis A Total Antibody (LAB1230596): intended for the clinical laboratory diagnosis of acute or past hepatitis A virus infection in persons with signs or symptoms of hepatitis and in persons at increased risk for hepatitis A infection, to identify HAV susceptible individuals and to determine the presence of an antibody response to HAV in vaccine recipients.

2.Hepatitis A Antibody, IgM (LAB7980): intended for use as an aid in the laboratory diagnosis of an acute or recently acquired hepatitis A virus infection.

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Compliance & Safety, Cytology, General Information

Resolved: HPV Error 3/17/2024

This issue is resolved. It was identified as an issue within Corewell Health Epic Preference Lists. If you are still encountering issues, please reach out to Service Now. This post will be archived in 7 days.

Due to an error from our system changes that happened on Sunday, March 17, 2024, the HPV reflex on the Pap testing orderable is not reflexing appropriately based on ASCCP Guidelines.

The Cytology Laboratory (Corewell Health Reference Laboratory West) and our Digital Services teams are aware of the error and working on a solution to correct the missed HPVs that were processed this week.  As the correction may cause a slight delay in HPV results, please hold add-on requests for HPV until Friday (3/29).  If you are concerned about an HPV being missed after this date (3/29/24), please fill out an Add-On form and fax to the number on the form (Note: Pap Specimens are held for 30 days).

We apologize for any inconvenience and confusion. If you have any further questions or concerns, please use the contact us link above.


Anion Gap Reference Range Update

Effective February 7, 2024, at 7:30 AM, Corewell Health West Laboratories will go live with a new reference range for the calculated Anion Gap (AG). The AG reference range will be adjusted to align with recent reference range studies.

The following will be the new normal reference ranges for AG:

Anion Gap: 5 – 14 mmol/L


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