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Advanced Technology Laboratory, Education & Training, General Information, Immunochemistry, Microbiology, Test Utilization

Reminder: COVID Orders and Scheduling

Effective July 1, 2021, Spectrum Health no longer offers patient self-screening through MyChart or telephonic COVID screening appointments to patients. Patients will need an order from their provider prior to scheduling a COVID-19 test. Patients should be symptomatic or have a recent exposure, all other visit types should go through (travel, athletic, or return to work or school, etc.)

If the patient does not have a provider, they may utilize the SHNow On Demand Visit via MyChart or find testing site options on

Once the order is placed, patients may schedule an appointment through MyChart or calling the Covid Hotline (for paper orders).

For more information:

COVID-19 Lab Information

COVID-19 General Information

COVID-19 Screening and Testing

Blood Bank, Compliance & Safety, General Information, Hemostasis/Coagulation, Referral/Sendouts, Test Utilization

Coagulation Blue Top Tube Shortage

Update 9/1/2021:

September 1, 2021

There continues to be a global shortage of sodium citrate (“blue top”) blood collection tubes used for coagulation testing as a result of unprecedented demand, in part due to COVID-19 surges, vaccine and treatment development. This was anticipated to last through August 2021, but now, due to continued unprecedented demands, there is no end date in sight. Please take this into consideration when ordering coagulation testing (i.e. Protime, aPTT, Fibrinogen, D-dimer, Lupus Screens, Factor Assays, Mixing Studies, von Willebrand testing, etc.). Continue Reading

Advanced Technology Laboratory, General Information, Main lab

Update: COVID-19 Swab Supplies

If you are collecting COVID-19 swabs in your office or clinic, please order and collect using the saline swab kits (“liquid media” or “wet collection”) instead of the tube with no liquid media (“dry collection”).

• Liquid media swab kits will provide a faster turn-around time.

• Dry collection kits supplies are low.

Please refer to the COVID-19 PCR test in the Lab Catalog for the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 collection.

COVID-19 PCR Swab – LAB1230607

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Main lab, Microbiology

Test Update: Group B Streptococcus PCR Shortage

Test manufacturer supply chains continue to be disrupted due to COVID-19. Currently, there is a shortage of supplies for the Group B Streptococcus PCR test. Orders for this PCR test may continue to be placed, however, the SHRL Microbiology Department will perform a culture method until PCR supplies are available with appropriate charging and a reporting comment indicating that the culture was performed. The PCR test is normally resulted within 24-48 hours of specimen receipt in lab, whereas the culture method turnaround time may be 48-72 hours. An update will be posted when these PCR supplies are received, however, there may continue to be intermittent supply issues for this test. Additional test information can be found here.