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Update: PT/INR Resulting Change

The Spectrum Health Laboratory Coagulation Department announces the following changes occurring on 6.29.21 because of new instrumentation:

• New coagulation instrumentation will go-live on 6.29.21.

• This new instrumentation will align the Spectrum Health Regional Laboratory (in GR) with current Regional/Blodgett reportable upper limit for Protime/INR results.

• The current Protime (PT) upper limit of 120 seconds will change to 90 seconds. Any result that is greater than 90 seconds, will be reported as >90 seconds.

• The current INR upper limit of 12.0 will change to 8.0. Any result that is greater than 8.0 will be reported as >8.0.

Any questions can be directed to the Spectrum Health Regional Laboratory Coagulation Department using the Contact Us link above.


PT/INR (Protime with INR): Epic Code #LAB320 | Interface code #10059 | CPT #85610


New Test: Factor VIII Chromogenic Assay

Effective July 1, 2021, the Coagulation Department within the Spectrum Health Regional Laboratory will go live with an in-house, bovine based, Chromogenic Factor VIII assay.

This assay, a photometric determination of Factor VIII activity, is useful for monitoring coagulation factor replacement therapy of selected extended half-life coagulation factor replacements and Emicizumab therapy, a recombinant, monoclonal antibody that restores the function of the missing activated factor VIII by bridging FIXa and FX. The action of Emicizumab interferes with all APTT clot based and human chromogenic based assays, leading to an overestimation of Factor VIII activity.  As such, the bovine based Chromogenic Factor VIII assay is recommended.  The Chromogenic Factor VIII activity also assists in the diagnosis of hemophilia A using a 2-stage assay, particularly when the 1-stage clot based assay is normal.

For questions about this test, please refer to the laboratory catalog or use the Contact Us link above.


Chromogenic Factor VIII Activity – Epic Code: LAB1230831 | Interface Code: 1230831 | CPT: 85240

Blood Bank, Compliance & Safety, General Information, Hemostasis/Coagulation, Referral/Sendouts, Test Utilization

Coagulation Blue Top Tube Shortage

Update 9/1/2021:

September 1, 2021

There continues to be a global shortage of sodium citrate (“blue top”) blood collection tubes used for coagulation testing as a result of unprecedented demand, in part due to COVID-19 surges, vaccine and treatment development. This was anticipated to last through August 2021, but now, due to continued unprecedented demands, there is no end date in sight. Please take this into consideration when ordering coagulation testing (i.e. Protime, aPTT, Fibrinogen, D-dimer, Lupus Screens, Factor Assays, Mixing Studies, von Willebrand testing, etc.). Continue Reading

Chemistry, Compliance & Safety, General Information, Hematology, Hemostasis/Coagulation, Microbiology, Referral/Sendouts

CSF Priorities on QNS Specimens

When a Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimen arrives into the laboratory and is deemed Quantity Not Sufficient (QNS) for ordered testing, the ordering provider is contacted to identify testing priorities. Occasionally, the laboratory is unable to secure these priorities.

If the lab is unable to secure priorities from the ordering provider within an hour of collection, the following will occur:

1. We will move forward with the Cell count with differential, Culture, and Protein/Glucose

2. The rest of the ordered testing will hold until we can clarify the priorities

Laboratory is partnering with Epic Beaker to discover if a prioritization of orders, upon CSF order entry, is possible.

If you have questions or concerns, please use the “Contact Us” link above.

Hemostasis/Coagulation, Referral/Sendouts

Supply Change Notification: 4.5 mL Blue Citrate Blood Tubes

Effective April 26th, 2021, Spectrum Health Laboratories will discontinue 4.5 mL blue citrate blood tubes. These are a vendor discontinued item. The replacement item will be the 2.7 mL blue citrate blood tubes.

Due to this change, there may be a difference in the number of tubes required to collect for the lab tests below. Please refer to the lab catalog for specimen collection requirements. Continue Reading

Advanced Technology Laboratory, General Information, Main lab

Update: COVID-19 Swab Supplies

If you are collecting COVID-19 swabs in your office or clinic, please order and collect using the saline swab kits (“liquid media” or “wet collection”) instead of the tube with no liquid media (“dry collection”).

• Liquid media swab kits will provide a faster turn-around time.

• Dry collection kits supplies are low.

Please refer to the COVID-19 PCR test in the Lab Catalog for the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 collection.

COVID-19 PCR Swab – LAB1230607

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General Information, Hemostasis/Coagulation

Update: Platelet Aggregation Studies

The Spectrum Health Regional Laboratory Coagulation Department will be going live with the Helena AggRam analyzer on February 3, 2021.  This analyzer uses platelet rich plasma to analyze human platelet aggregation which is measured by absorbance.  The following aggregating agents are used in these studies: Arachidonic Acid, ADP, Collagen, Epinephrine, and Ristocetin.

Patients for platelet aggregation studies should be resting, fasting, and non-smoking. Patients should avoid taking any prescription or over the counter medications known to affect platelet function for ten (10) days to two (2) weeks prior to the studies. For a list of medications known to have anti-platelet effects, click here. Continue Reading