Laboratory retention has been updated for the following tests. Laboratory retention outlines the length of time after testing that a specimen is kept in the laboratory before it is discarded.
Main lab
Effective November 5th, testing for Beta-2 Glycoprotein 1 antibodies (IgG and IgM, serum) will change from a reference send out test to Mayo Medical Laboratories to an in-house test available at Spectrum Health Laboratories. This testing is useful for evaluation of patients of suspected antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.
In addition, a new Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome Panel will be added which allows for appropriate and complete testing for antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. This panel includes:
Lupus Screen
Cardiolipin IgG and IgM Antibodies
Beta-2 Glycoprotein 1 IgG and IgM Antibodies
To better align with our Allergy Specialists and reduce confusion and costs to patients, we have simplified and standardized our Allergy Panel offerings. These new panels will be available to order beginning Thursday, October 24, 2019. Also effective on this date, several of our old panels will be discontinued.
In an effort to streamline laboratory processes and provide expedited results, the test Herpes Simplex 1 / 2 IGG IGM was replaced with Herpes Simplex Panel on July 17, 2019. The new panel will still offer both Herpes IgM and Herpes IgG. The conversion to this panel will allow the lab to report Herpes IgG results faster.
The Spectrum Health Regional Laboratory Hematology Department has updated rejection criteria for the orderables, Cell Count w/ Differential, Body Fluid and Cell Count, Body Fluid. Spectrum Health Hematology will no longer perform cell counts on specimens which are not from a sterile body cavity (e.g. wound drainage, abscess, pus, etc.). Unacceptable specimens submitted to the Hematology Department for cell counts will not be performed and the test will be credited.